Why You Should Play in Your First Disc Golf Tournament

This summer, I’ve played disc golf with a ton of new people. I’ve had readers and podcast listeners hit me up to play. I’ve played with random people at my home course. I’ve played rounds with people who follow me on Instagram. It has turned out to be a really great summer. It’s been really cool to meet … Read more

Just the Tip – Visualize One You Already Know

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One of the best pieces of tournament advice out there is to not play courses blind.  Your tournament round should not be your first round on that course.  If it is, you are just asking for trouble.  That’s all well and good, but unfortunately, it still happens. It would be great if all the tournaments … Read more

Just the Tip – Keeping Score

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Ever been in a slump?  Just not getting any better?  Disappointed in your scores because they are stagnant or maybe even going the wrong direction?  Try this for a week. Stop keeping score.  Yep, stop keeping score.  Don’t pretend to do it but try to keep track in the background of your mind.  Just stop … Read more

For the Love of All That is Good in The World, Pay Attention!!!

Saturday morning doubles at Squaw Creek.  Hole 4.  711 feet, somewhat down hill, tall prairie grass on the right, marsh on the left.  We had parked two shots in the center of the fairway about 425′ and 440′ out.  We were in great shape.  Our opponents stepped up for their shots.  The first guy throws … Read more

You Can’t Control Your Score

The second round on Sunday started at 1:40.  The first round had gone really well.  For the first time in recent memory, I was going into the second round in the lead.  The guys in advanced masters are always great competition.  Sunday was no different.  That made things that much more exciting for me.  I … Read more

Am Worlds, The Best and Worst Disc Golf I’ve Ever Played

With the Am Worlds disc golf tournament kicking off in Minnesota this week, I thought it only appropriate that I share my own Am Worlds experience. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  Nothing better describes my participation in the 2007 Am Worlds in Milwaukee, WI.  Worlds is something everyone … Read more

Do You Have the Heart of a Champion?

We weren’t even out of the car when I heard the question I already knew was coming. “$1 skins?” “Sure” I replied. “Love playing with you, you’re always willing to donate.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah.  One of these days I’ll get my money back.” Almost all of my disc golf friends are better than me.  Most … Read more

Why are you punching yourself in the face on the disc golf course?!?!

We are our own worst enemy. With all the negative voices coming from the news, our coworkers, our friends, and our families, the biggest negative voice in most of our lives lives right inside our own head.  This can be especially true on the disc golf course. A bunch of years back, I was a … Read more

Disc golf tournament and day trip packing list

So you are going to spend the day playing disc golf?  Gonna travel a bit to play at a course that’s not vey close to home?  Gonna go play a tournament today?  Those are some of my favorite days every year.  Packing up the car and heading out to spend the day with friends and … Read more