Wisdom Wednesday | The Eye Sees Only What the Mind is Prepared to Comprehend

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I love playing tournaments that use safari holes. Playing one hole’s tee to another’s basket is fun and challenging. If done right, it’s a true test of your disc golf skills.

I played in one such tournament last year called the Crazy Beaver. The hardest hole at that tournament required that you throw out of the woods, hit a 40-50’ wide gap about 275’ out, go over a creek, make a 90 degree right hand turn, go another 300’ down the edge of thick brush, to a basket tucked off to the right and down a hill. It was a true par 4.

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Wisdom Wednesday – Habits

WW - Habits

In the last couple of newsletters, I’ve touched on motivation (if you don’t get the newsletter, you are missing out, subscribe below!). Last week’s Wisdom Wednesday post was about maintaining regular motivation. But try as we might, no one can keep themselves motivated all of the time. Even when you purposefully surround yourself with motivating things, you will still sometimes lose your spark and drive.

So what to do when that happens? How do we keep ourselves moving forward when all we want to do is stay in bed 10 more minutes? The answer to that is habits.

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Why You Should Play in Your First Disc Golf Tournament

This summer, I’ve played disc golf with a ton of new people. I’ve had readers and podcast listeners hit me up to play. I’ve played with random people at my home course. I’ve played rounds with people who follow me on Instagram. It has turned out to be a really great summer. It’s been really cool to meet … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Get Uncomfortable

I’ve often heard and read the advice to do one thing each day that scares you. Get out of your comfort zone and do the things in life that make you uncomfortable. Force yourself to do things that are hard to do. When you hear interviews with ultra successful people, this is almost always a … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – What Do You See?

Play with one new person a week this summer.  That’s my goal.  The initial reasoning was just to meet as many new people as I could this year.  The side benefit has been that I’ve seen a crazy assortment of approaches to the game of disc golf.  Today was no different. This morning, I paired up … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Direction

  I like to people watch.  More specifically, I like to watch people play disc golf.  There are as many approaches to the game as there are people playing it.  Head out to your home course and look around, you will see some crazy ways to throw a disc.  Go out and take a video camera, you … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Pain & Suffering

I’ve been reading a lot of stoic philosophy lately (Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca).  In particular, Ryan Holliday’s book The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph, has been outstanding.  If you have ever wanted to read philosophy, this is a great place to start.  Usually philosophy is written by some snooty person … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Without Adversity

  As far as I know, there is no world championship of taking a nice hot shower.  There isn’t a new Olympic event that involves sleeping in on a Sunday.  No one ever challenged anyone else to see who could be more relaxed after a massage. While I definitely have a sense of accomplishment after … Read more