Wisdom Wednesday | Wake Up Excited, Go To Bed Proud

Photo Dec 13, 6 46 50 PM copy 2

Life isn’t practice. This is the real thing. It’s our one shot. Regardless of what you think comes next, the lives we are living now are unique. We won’t get to do this over.

With that in mind, it puzzles me how so many people in this world can drag themselves out of bed and go through their days lethargic and unhappy.

If you woke up one day and someone came to you and gave you the most incredible gift you’d ever received, you’d be pretty pumped, right? You’d feel obligated to care for that gift and use it properly, wouldn’t you? I bet you would even show it off with pride to anyone who would look. Well, you have been given that gift. It’s the gift of getting to be a human being on this crazy beautiful planet of ours.

And there are disc golf courses here, how awesome is that?!?!?

Accept it with grace and be grateful. Wake up every day excited. Every night, go to bed proud.

[tweetthis]Wake up excited and go to bed proud! #discgolf[/tweetthis]

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