Grip it and rip it!
We’ve all heard the phrase. And there’s good reason for that. A fundamental fact of disc golf is that the stronger your grip is, the more distance potential you have. There are plenty of good explanations out there as to why.
Taking care of your body
We’ve all heard the phrase. And there’s good reason for that. A fundamental fact of disc golf is that the stronger your grip is, the more distance potential you have. There are plenty of good explanations out there as to why.
Looking back at my past 200+ posts (yeah, there are over 200 posts to look through here!), I realized that it’s been longer than it should have been since I posted about physical training for disc golf. Considering how much time I spend working out, rehabbing, obsessing over my diet, and otherwise being a health and fitness dork, I should be posting about those things more often. Especially since all of them directly contribute to playing better disc golf!
The squat, deadlift, bench press, and military press have been part of my gym routine for years. They are much more effective than doing a ton of smaller isolation exercises. They help build whole body strength and endurance. They allow me to grunt and sweat and otherwise feel manly a few times a week. They also beat the crap out of my body. Especially my back, shoulders, and knees.
Well, it’s that time of year again. No, I don’t mean summer. No, I don’t mean tournament season. I mean it’s time for me to be sidelined with an injury. Just call me the Derek Rose of disc golf. I seem to get injured to the point of not being able to play at least … Read more
I mentioned in one of my Facebook updates this week that I am restricting my reading to sports psychology for the duration of my preparation for the GBO. I’m really enjoying that decision and I highly recommend that if you play competitively at all you check out at least one book on the subject. I … Read more
It’s been a month since I started down the road to the 2015 GBO. I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. What, at first, seemed like a lot of time to prepare is becoming shorter and shorter every day. Before you know it I’ll be packing up the car and dropping the dog … Read more
It’s been a while since I’ve posted an article in this series. I thought it was about time to get another one up. If I had to pick the athlete that I’d most like to have the traits of, it would be a gymnast. Gymnasts are extraordinarily strong, but they balance that with explosive speed … Read more
If you woke up tomorrow and had no muscles, you’d be in trouble. Let’s start with your heart. It’s a pretty important muscle. It moves blood and all that blood carries through your body. Your diaphragm is another important hunk of muscle. It’s what moves your lungs and allows you to breath. Jaw muscles are … Read more
Pretty regularly, when I talk to people about my disc golf home gym, people automatically assume that I’m equating muscle size to disc golf skill. Someone always wants to chime in with, “I’m skinny as heck and I can throw 500 feet!”. That’s usually someone on line so there’s a 95% chance they can’t break … Read more
There are a few things that I’ve done for my disc golf game that have had an impact greater than everything else combined. Field work, upshot practice, and learning to throw from a stand still are a few that come immediately to mind. These are the 20% of things that get you 80% of your results. All … Read more
Last winter was horrific. I can’t remember a colder, darker, snowier, icier, more miserable winter since I moved to Illinois back in 3rd grade. Normally, I play a minimum of once a week in the winter time. Last winter I played one and a half times. That half time I found myself suddenly waist deep … Read more