Wisdom Wednesday | The Eye Sees Only What the Mind is Prepared to Comprehend

Photo Dec 13, 6 56 27 PM copy 2

I love playing tournaments that use safari holes. Playing one hole’s tee to another’s basket is fun and challenging. If done right, it’s a true test of your disc golf skills.

I played in one such tournament last year called the Crazy Beaver. The hardest hole at that tournament required that you throw out of the woods, hit a 40-50’ wide gap about 275’ out, go over a creek, make a 90 degree right hand turn, go another 300’ down the edge of thick brush, to a basket tucked off to the right and down a hill. It was a true par 4.

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Who Says There Are No Books For Disc Golf?

After disc golf, books are where a great deal of my discretionary income goes.  At any given time, I usually have about three books I’m reading.  Typically, that’s one fiction, one non fiction, and one technical “how to” book.  Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved getting lost in a great story, learning about the … Read more