Happy Holidays!!!
Whether it’s for Festivus, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or your birthday happens to fall at this time of year, ’tis the season for the giving of gifts (or possibly feats of disc golf strength if you celebrate Festivus!). If you are a disc golfer, it’s also a time of quandaries.
Does the non disc golfer in your life know what you’d like? Does the disc golfer in your life already have “everything”, making it impossible to buy gifts for them? Are you tired of getting socks instead of plastic?
[tweetthis]Check out some great #discgolf gift ideas from Mind Body Disc #lotsofthem[/tweetthis]
To the rescue is the first annual Mind Body Disc Ultimate Guide to Disc Golf Gifts!!! Below we have compiled and extensive list of suggestions and ideas for the disc golfers in your life. If you are the disc golfer in your life, this would be a great list to share with the ones you love. Help them help you this holiday season!!!
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