Happy Holidays!!!
Whether it’s for Festivus, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or your birthday happens to fall at this time of year, ’tis the season for the giving of gifts (or possibly feats of disc golf strength if you celebrate Festivus!). If you are a disc golfer, it’s also a time of quandaries.
Does the non disc golfer in your life know what you’d like? Does the disc golfer in your life already have “everything”, making it impossible to buy gifts for them? Are you tired of getting socks instead of plastic?
[tweetthis]Check out some great #discgolf gift ideas from Mind Body Disc #lotsofthem[/tweetthis]
To the rescue is the first annual Mind Body Disc Ultimate Guide to Disc Golf Gifts!!! Below we have compiled and extensive list of suggestions and ideas for the disc golfers in your life. If you are the disc golfer in your life, this would be a great list to share with the ones you love. Help them help you this holiday season!!!
Disc Golf Gifts
Plastic and Places to Buy It
What better place to start our gift guide than with plastic? We aren’t going to recommend specific discs. Each of you has your favorites. If you are looking for some ideas for new discs to try, start with these two posts:
Try It, You Might Like It, Part 1
Try It, You Might Like It, Part 2
Infinite Discs
We can think of no better place to shop for plastic than Infinite Discs. They are our first recommendation for disc shopping on the interwebs. Why? Because they let you see the exact disc you are ordering. If you want to buy a disc in a particular color with a particular stamp, Infinite is the best place to start your looking. It’s also the best place to send your loved ones with instructions on what you want. No more getting a disc in a color you don’t throw! They also have the single best put together disc store on the web. They have more resources and reviews than any other site!
Dynamic Discs
If you or a loved one is a trilogy fanatic, we can think of no better place to go than straight to the source. The great thing about the Dynamic Discs website is that they have more custom stamps and designs than anywhere else. We all like to throw unique plastic and the DD website is THE place to find it. They also have the single best selection of disc golf clothing and accessories of anyone on the web (more on that later).
There are a lot of places that can put an image on a disc. NONE of them can do it as well as the DyeMax crew over at Dynamic Discs. If you are looking for a totally unique and cool version of a trilogy disc to give as a gift, this is where to start your looking.
But wait, there’s more!!! With DyeMax, you can have almost any image you want put on a disc! Yep, that’s right. You want a picture of your cat on the disc? You got it. You want a picture of Santa on a disc? No problem. You want a picture of what you had for dinner last night on your disc? DyeMax can do it, and do it well. Give the gift of a totally unique disc that no one else in the world has by giving a custom DyeMax disc.
Custom Dyed Discs by Sky Candy
Another awesome choice for unique discs would be a custom dyed disc from Sky Candy. We aren’t affiliated in any way with them, but we are infatuated with their dye jobs! Truly top quality, clean, and striking designs that any disc golfer would absolutely love in their bag. The cool thing is that you get to choose the disc you want so you can get a disc you would actually throw!
It’s winter, but the disc golfer in your life still wants to get out and play. Here are our choices for some of the best gifts that will keep the disc golfer in your life out on the course, warm, and happy!
With enough different colors to match anyone’s bag, this vest is what I’ve been playing in for two years. It keeps me extra warm and still allows me the freedom to throw. Any disc golfer would love one for winter play!
Warm boots are a must for wintertime golf, and I’ve used these for ten straight years. Every two years I buy a new pair. I don’t see that changing.
If it doesn’t snow where you live, I’d recommend these shoes instead. As with everything North Face makes, these are outstanding.
Another great shoe offering are the new disc golf shoes from Latitude 64. They are getting great reviews!
As a general rule, people don’t like underwear for a gift. But if you’re gonna go down that road, get these. I resisted spending the money for years and now I kick myself for not buying them sooner.
For a less expensive gift option this hat is warm and has gone with me on the course for 3 winters straight.
For you lucky, lucky people that don’t get cold weather in the winter, I really think that the warm weather should serve as your holiday gift. But if that’s not enough, check out Dynamic Disc’s full apparel line up. There are over 100 options for disc golf related clothing there. You are sure to find something that you like! Here are some of my favorites:
Zippered Hoody
Dri Fit Polo
PulloverRain JacketMy Favorite DD T Shirt
Lastly, we just have to mention our friends over at Mando Klank. They really come through with some very cool disc golf T Shirts. Make sure to check them out!
Bags & Carts
A nice bag or disc golf cart is one of the bigger investments a disc golfer can make in their game. In fact, some will do without just to save the money. If you like to give gifts that people wouldn’t buy for themselves, these are really great options.
We’ll start off with the Mac Daddy, the Delta Ten disc golf cart. I’ve had one of these for a couple of months now and I can tell you it’s hands down worth every penny. Giving the gift of a cart is also giving the gift of health and injury prevention. I can’t tell you what a blessing playing with a cart is! Look for a full review of the Delta coming soon!
A very close second place in the disc golf cart world is the Ridge Roller. If you play any tournaments in Wisconsin, you’ll see half the field using one of these bad boys. I played with one of these for most of this year. It’s a great cart and any disc golfer would be thrilled to have it! We will also be reviewing these very soon.
As for bags, the most popular bag on any disc golf course is the Grip EQ line of bags. I own 3 of these in different sizes and colors. It’s my backpack bag of choice and you’ll see quite a few pros who have made the same decision.
For those looking for bags with more storage than the Grip, look no further than the Latitude 64 Luxury E2. This is one of the most popular backpack style bags out there. It’s extremely well made, and holds a ton of gear!
For those that want an outstanding backpack bag, and want to stand out on the course, Dynamic Discs has released the American Flag Ranger bag. This thing is absolutely beautiful and my favorite color variation of the ranger bag!
Finally, if your favorite disc golfer doesn’t carry a lot, or if you want to get yourself something for those minimal rounds, every disc golfer needs a NutSac! Seriously, if you don’t have one, you are missing out! Read our review here.
Other Gear
Let’s start with my second favorite purchase of the year this year (the first was the Delta Cart Ten). The Scepter disc golf caddy is the surprise hit of my disc golf year! You all know I’ve got a bad back. It’s one of the reasons I went to playing with a cart. Well, imagine playing a round of disc golf where you never, not even once, had to bend down to pick up a disc or your mini! That’s what the Scepter can do for you! It actually helps you play more, and better, disc golf! Play round after round with little to no fatigue or back pain! Oh, and it’s also a great disc golf retriever! I can’t speak highly enough about this product. It’s extraordinarily well engineered and constructed. It’s one of those things that once you have it, you’ll wonder how you ever played without it! Stay tuned, next Friday we’ll post a full review of the Scepter.
Bonus!!! The very cool folks over at Whirld Sports, the makers of the Scepter, have a special offer for Mind Body Disc readers! Simply enter the coupon code “MBD10” at checkout for an exclusive 10% discount on the Scepter!
Speaking of disc golf retrievers, one piece of equipment that EVERY disc golfer needs in their bag is a Golden Retriever. If your local courses have any water at all, having one of these in your bag will pay for itself with just two saved discs!
Another staple item that belongs in EVERY disc golfer’s bag is a Dirt Bag. I’ve tried literally every “keep your hands dry and not sticky” device on the market and the Dirt Bag is hands down the best of the bunch!
Does your favorite disc golfer have discs all over the place? Of course they do, we all do! We all need some way to store our discs safely. Bins like this make a great gift for the disorganized disc golfer in your life.
I also use and am a big fan of the Box 4 Discs products. I have quite a stack of these out in the garage!
A disc golf stool is another must for most disc golfers. For tournament play they are almost a requirement.
I wrote a review about the Hydro Flask this summer and these things continue to prove themselves into the cold part of the year. These are hands down the best way to carry a drink out on the course. Every disc golfer needs at least one Hydro Flask.
Every disc golfer who doesn’t have their own basket dreams of having one. I’ve had more than a few of them and there are several in my garage now. Here are the ones I’d suggest as gifts…
For putting practice and general game improvement, you simply can’t beat the Marksman Basket by Dynamic Discs. I wrote a review of the Gateway Bullseye which is the same idea, but I’m not happy with the quality or the customer service at Gateway. The Gateway is also overpriced. I’ve used the Marksman in our putting league and it’s a quality basket, well worth the investment.
For a standard sized practice basket, the Dynamic Discs Recruit basket is a great choice. We also have one of these at our putting league and it surprised me with its catching ability and quality of build. It’s a very solid practice basket.
Finally, for a budget and very portable option, the industry standard is the Innova Skillshot. Many a disc golfer has gotten a metric ton of use out of their Skillshot!
Wait, what?! Electronics? You bet! They make great gifts and there are a few things than any disc golfer would love to have. Here’s a few suggestions…
Headphones are nice, but typically get in the way and are more distracting than helpful when you are practicing or playing. This summer I started using the JayBird X2 blutooth headphones. They stay in my ears, don’t get in the way, have super long battery life, and I can get a good 60-70 yards away from my phone before they lose contact.
If you don’t want to go the headphone route, a good portable blutooth speaker is a lot of fun to bring to the course. I use this Bose SoundLink Mini II and love it. It sits inside one of my cup holders on my Grip bag, or sits inside my cart. It can get very loud if needed, but also has great clarity and bass at lower volumes.
A less expensive option that still sounds great and also fits in the drink holder in most bags is this JBL Charge.
For an even less expensive option, Amazon has this offering for $39 that is surprisingly good for the price.
You all know I spend as much time taking photos on the course as I do playing disc golf. A camera is a staple in my disc golf bag. While I’m guessing the Sony A7RII that I shoot with will not make it on to many people’s gift list, Sony (I’m a rabid Sony camera fan and firmly believe they make the best cameras on the planet) makes some extremely nice lower priced options that would make any disc golf photographer proud.
At the high end of the spectrum is the Sony A6000. Boasting the fastest focusing in its class, a stunningly fast frame rate of 11 frames per second for catching action shots, and a nice 16-55mm kit lens that comes in the box, you simply cannot get a better camera for the price.
For something that better fits in a disc golf bag, the Sony DSCRX100M3 is the pocket camera that goes with me literally everywhere I go. It is considered by most to be the highest quality, most fully featured pocket camera on the market. They came out with a version 4 this year, but honestly, it’s not worth the extra $200. The M3 will serve you very nicely.
All the above cameras are for those that are as serious about their pictures as they are about their disc golf. If I wasn’t doing photography at the level or amount that I am, I would quickly buy a Sony TX30 waterproof and rugged camera, toss it in my bag, and use the snot out of it. It’s a perfect disc golf camera.
Last, but not least, I would be remiss if I didn’t also note a favorite camera on the disc golf scene, the GoPro Hero4. Many a disc golf Instagram page has been built on the back of a GoPro. There’s also a ton of YouTube disc golf videos that owe themselves to the GoPro.
Lastly, what’s the single most popular camera on any disc golf course in the world??? The iPhone of course. For any iPhone photographer out there, their photo life is not complete without an OlloClip 4 in one iPhone lens system. This super portable 4 in 1 lens kit will take your iphone photography to new heights and you may decide you never actually need another camera! They even make one for the iphone 6/s!
Does your favorite iPhone toting disc golfer use Instagram? If so, they will love this iPhone photography book. Outlining the best apps and how to use them, this book is sure to take their photography to the next level and help them stand out like stars on Instagram!
Of all the items on this list, the one I would buy first for the disc golfers in my life is the Zen and the Art of Disc Golf book. Not just because the author Patrick and I are friends and I’m on his podcast, but because I think a mental leg up is the best thing you can give any disc golfer. This book gives that in spades.
If the disc golfer in your life plays tournaments, the book Choke by Sian Beilock is a tremendous read. It sheds much needed light on why we can do so well on the practice field and then not play well at all under pressure. That is the single biggest problem disc golfers face in tournaments and this book really helps with that!
The book Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable by Tim Grover is another key choice for the competitive golfer. Written by Michael Jordan’s personal trainer, you’d be hard pressed to find a better treatise on sports psychology. It’s also the inspiration for one of our most popular blog posts!
Does the disc golfer in your life love books too? If so, find all kinds of great recommendations on our disc golf reading list!
Do they like books but not have time to read? They would love a subscription to Audible!!!
Stocking Stuffers
If you are not looking to go crazy with disc golf gifts, but still want to show the disc golfer in your life that you love them and support their habit, a few well chosen stocking stuffers are the right way to go!
Lights for Glow
DD Gift Card
Hand Warmers
What Did We Miss?
While that’s a pretty good sized list, I’m sure we left some things off. What gift ideas do you have for the disc golfer in your life that you don’t see listed here? Please let us know in the comments below and we’ll get them added to the list so that other disc golfers have more to pick from!
In the end, we here at Mind Body Disc hope you have the best of holiday seasons no matter which holidays you celebrate (although we are still pulling for disc golf feats of strength on Festivus!). You have given us the gift of your presence all year and that means the world to us, thank you!
Give yourself the gift of disc golf goodness brought straight to your email inbox by Mind Body Disc! Subscribe to the blog by entering your email below!
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Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I find diy disc golf baskets good alternative that anyone could get extra creative in designing. I was looking for potable dg baskets here http://www.portablediscgolfbasket.com
but I will also try and build from scratch- it would be so much fun I’m sure. Share your favourite design
That’s a great idea. Projects are always fun!
Here is a site that lets you customize your own disc golf discs. It’s a perfect disc golf present for any disc golf lover
Thanks Kim. I changed the URL to link just to the disc site. Thanks for sharing.