Mind Body Disc Greatest Hits

200 best disc golf blog posts

This is the 210th post I’ve published on the Mind Body Disc blog.

First, holy crap! When I started Mind Body Disc 2 years ago, it was with a blurry picture on Instagram. I never in a million years dreamt that it would grow into what it has today. 4500 Instagram fans, almost 1000 Twitter and Facebook fans, over 1000 blog subscribers, regular appearances on two podcasts (the Disc Golf Answer Man and Zen Disc Golf), and a list of other stuff too long to put here. I wanted to publish this post on Thanksgiving for one important reason. To say…


Without the continued and amazing support I get from all of you, I would have quit a long time ago. The 20-30 hours a week it takes to keep Mind Body Disc going would not happen if it weren’t for each and every one of you.

I cannot thank you enough.

Some interesting facts and figures about Mind Body Disc since it has started…

42,364 unique visitors
205,764 page views
66,318 visits
1,596 Canadian readers
1,468 Finnish readers
1,050 Swedish readers
941 German readers
738 British readers
At least one visit from each of over 80% of the countries in the world!!!

Some of you have been here from the beginning. Some of you have joined the family recently. A lot of you fall somewhere in between. With over 200 posts on the site, it’s almost guaranteed that you have missed at least one quality piece of disc golf goodness. So, for your Thanksgiving enjoyment, I’ve put together a list of some of the articles that are worth revisiting or possibly visiting for the first time. Some of them represent milestones. Some are pieces I’m particularly proud of. Some are posts that went viral and you told me you loved them by how much you shared them.

So, settle back into your turkey coma and enjoy the best disc golf blog posts that Mind Body Disc has to offer!

[tweetthis]Did you know that @mindbodydisc has over 200 #discgolf posts on their blog?[/tweetthis]

Top 3 Most Read Posts of All Time

Our top post of all time, visited 13,226 times since it was written:

10 Pieces of Disc Golf Advice I Wish I’d Listened To

Our second most read post of all time, visited 7,048 times in the 2 months since it was written:

A Word From Michael Jordan’s Trainer on Playing Disc Golf Under Pressure

Our third most read post was also put up recently and has been visited 5,388 times:

10 Steps to Making Better Decisions in Disc Golf

Viral Posts

Our first viral post and the first post we ever got over 2,000 hits on in one day (4,413 visits to date):

One Thing I Don’t Want in my Disc Golf Bag

That post spawned two more viral posts:

Try it, You Might Like It Part 1
Try it, You Might Like It Part 2

And the viral post that surprised me the most:

Building a Disc Golf Home Gym, The Jump Rope

The post that continues to get the most regular reading and shares of anything on the site:

And the Farthest Flying Disc Golf Disc Is…

My Favorite Posts

These didn’t always get the traction I would have hoped for, but they are the ones I had the most fun writing and think turned out as some of the best things I’ve written.

Lighten Up Francis!  Some Perspective On Disc Golf.

It’s Not Me, It’s You….  A Disc Golf Breakup Letter

How Ostriches, Kittens, and a Llama Named Steve Can Help Your Disc Golf Game.

The Quest

A Disc Golf Rant

Winter, a Break From Vandalism on the Disc Golf Course


Too Many To List

As part of our recent site redesign, I put a lot of time and thought into the structure and searchability of the site. I spent a little money on a menu plug in specifically so that you can easily find any piece of content I’ve posted here. With over 200 posts and many more to come, that’s a lot of disc golf content!

Please take some time to explore the site. I’ve put ways to find anything you want in several places. You can check the menu at the top. You can explore the home page. You can use the search box up top. You can look through the archives. You can search by category. Odds are there’s at least one article relating to what you are looking for.

Once again, thank you so much for following along here on our disc golf journey together. It sounds weird to say, but after 200 posts, we are just getting started. There’s some big things to come, and if the giant white board full of ideas on my office wall is any indication, they’re gonna be pretty cool!

And as always, if you every have suggestions or ideas for us, please let us know!

If you don’t want to miss any of the next 200 posts we put up here, make sure to subscribe to the blog by entering your email below!

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2 thoughts on “Mind Body Disc Greatest Hits”

  1. Enjoyed this post. Thought you’d been doing the blog for a lot longer than 2 years. Keep it up, and if you need motivation, just know that I’m behind, trying to catch up.

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