Road to the GBO – Why Are You on the Road?

In one week, just 7 days, I’ll be packing the car and heading to Emporia, Kansas for the 13th annual Glass Blown Open. If you’ve been following along on Facebook, you’ve noticed that I’ve been struggling with my performance lately.  Not only have I not been improving as of late, I’ve actually gone backwards in … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Take Things As They Are

I still think Bruce Lee would have been one hell of a disc golfer.  It’s amazing how knowing how to be a master of one thing translates directly to knowing how to become a master at many things.  So many of the tenets and principles are the same in all things and carry over from … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Suffer Now

How do I make practice fun?  How do I make training enjoyable?  Both questions have a hidden, underlying, unspoken meaning behind them, “If training/practice isn’t fun, I won’t do it.”.  In the end, if we want to be great at anything, there is a problem with this statement. If you want to be the best at … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Go Faster

One of the common things you hear from professional athletes in any sport during their second year of playing is that the game has “slowed down”.  They say they can better keep up with the other players and the action on the field. It’s a lot like learning to drive on the highway.  The first … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Even the Master Fails

It happens when we watch Big Jerm throw a forehand.  It happens when we watch Will Shusterick throw a stand still approach shot.  It happens when we watch old tournament footage of Cam Todd putting.  We often automatically assume that they all do those things better than anyone else in the world because they are … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Success is Never Owned

  Life doesn’t let up.  Ever.  I wish sometimes that it did, but it doesn’t.  Sure, there are times when you can carve out a few moments to step back and take a breath.  That’s necessary for progress and for sanity.  But on the whole, you’ll always have to be back at it sooner than … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Never Give Up

So many people quit right before they are about to achieve breakout success.  So many people stop just before the finish line.  So many people would be so much further along in their life if they simply had not quit. Have you ever played a round against someone who just would not go away?  That … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Solitude

I’m always surprised by the number of people I run into who don’t play solo rounds.  Not only do they not play solo rounds, they would rather not play at all than play by themselves.  I just don’t get that. Sure, it’s fun to play with your friends.  It’s fun to play in tournaments and … Read more