Building a Disc Golf Home Gym, the Sandbag

There are a few things that I’ve done for my disc golf game that have had an impact greater than everything else combined.  Field work, upshot practice, and learning to throw from a stand still are a few that come immediately to mind.  These are the 20% of things that get you 80% of your results. All … Read more

Building a Disc Golf Home Gym, the Mobility Tools

Last winter was horrific.  I can’t remember a colder, darker, snowier, icier, more miserable winter since I moved to Illinois back in 3rd grade.  Normally, I play a minimum of once a week in the winter time.  Last winter I played one and a half times.  That half time I found myself suddenly waist deep … Read more

Who Says There Are No Books For Disc Golf?

After disc golf, books are where a great deal of my discretionary income goes.  At any given time, I usually have about three books I’m reading.  Typically, that’s one fiction, one non fiction, and one technical “how to” book.  Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved getting lost in a great story, learning about the … Read more

Try It, You Might Like It! Part 2

One of my favorite things about big tournaments is a nice sized flymart.  There’s nothing quite like getting to browse and fondle rows and rows of new plastic.  For me, I much prefer buying discs when I can pick them up and check them out first.  If you already have a good stack of back ups for what you already throw, the problem becomes, what to buy?

disc golf discs

Last week, I wrote a post about why it’s important not only not to bash a particular disc maker, but also why it’s important to keep an open mind and try new stuff from new companies.  That left the question of what discs one might want to try.

On Friday, we posted the first half of a list of discs that are worth at least a throw or two on your part.  We didn’t want to keep you waiting too long for the second half of that list.  So for your Monday reading and on line shopping enjoyment, here it is.

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Try It, You Might Like It! Part 1

Last week, I wrote a post outlining my top ten reasons no one should ever bash another company’s discs.  It is currently my most read post with over 4014 views so far.  I got some great feedback both here on the blog as well as back channel.  First, thanks to everyone who took the time to read that post and pass it along to friends.  Second, thanks for the mostly positive and supportive feedback.  Seems like we have all run into the jerk that I described in that post.

I was also encouraged to see how many people out there throw a mixed bag.  There was a time, not too long ago, where that didn’t happen on the scale that it does today.  While a lot of disc golfers still stick to just one company or family of companies (in the spirit of full disclosure I’m of one of them, but more on that in another post), more and more people are dipping their toe into the really rewarding waters of new plastic.

disc golf discs

I have a sickness.  I have an unexplainable need to buy and try almost every new disc that comes out.  That includes all plastic variations, all new rim configurations, and even new runs of discs that I hear fly different than previous ones.  I love new plastic.  I love throwing new molds.  I love feeling the plastic and blends that the newer companies are putting out there.  Like I said, I have a sickness.

Well, that said, I thought I’d share a list of discs you might like to try.  This isn’t a disc review article.  It’s just a list of discs that I’ve tried and thought were exceptional.  I think all of the companies deserve a try and I think they all make at least a few really great discs.  If just one person finds a new disc that saves them strokes, it will have been worth the time it took to write this!  Without further blabbering on my part, here is part one…..

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No BS Product Reviews – The Disc Gator

I have a hard time finding satisfying reviews of disc golf gear.  Even disc reviews, which there are an abundance of, seem lacking in most cases.  I’m sitting here trying to decide whether or not I should spend my hard earned money on something, and the reviews just aren’t helping.  So, time to start writing … Read more

One Thing I Don’t Want in my Disc Golf Bag

any brand can coexist in your disc golf bagA while back, I posted a link on the resource page that itemized many of the most common things we disc golfers carry in our bags besides discs.  It’s quite an array of stuff.  Everything from sun screen to baseballs to lip balm to dog treats.

For me, I carry a lot less than I used to.  Bug spray, towel, dirt bag, mini, pencil, wallet, phone, and keys.  That fluctuates based on where I’m playing, how far away from home I am, and how long I’m going to be there.  I’ve played a long time now. I pretty much know what I want in my disc golf bag.

More and more, though, I keep running into people who want to put something in my bag that I absolutely do not want in there.  At first, I politely tell them I don’t want it in my bag.  Some people understand and stop trying.  Others, though, are insistent to the point of rudeness.  Funny thing is that while I run into a ton of people who want to put this in my bag, I don’t know anyone at all who wants it in their own disc golf bag.  Not one person.

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