One Thing I Don’t Want in my Disc Golf Bag

any brand can coexist in your disc golf bagA while back, I posted a link on the resource page that itemized many of the most common things we disc golfers carry in our bags besides discs.  It’s quite an array of stuff.  Everything from sun screen to baseballs to lip balm to dog treats.

For me, I carry a lot less than I used to.  Bug spray, towel, dirt bag, mini, pencil, wallet, phone, and keys.  That fluctuates based on where I’m playing, how far away from home I am, and how long I’m going to be there.  I’ve played a long time now. I pretty much know what I want in my disc golf bag.

More and more, though, I keep running into people who want to put something in my bag that I absolutely do not want in there.  At first, I politely tell them I don’t want it in my bag.  Some people understand and stop trying.  Others, though, are insistent to the point of rudeness.  Funny thing is that while I run into a ton of people who want to put this in my bag, I don’t know anyone at all who wants it in their own disc golf bag.  Not one person.

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