Meditation Can Lower Your Scores and Change Your Life

Disc golf is beautiful.  The feel of the plastic.  The flight of the disc.  The ring of the chains.  The stunning pallet of beauty that surrounds us on the course.  Disc golf is beautiful. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen that I’m often stopped in my tracks, awed by the scenery that surrounds … Read more

It’s Up, It’s Good!!!

I had arrived at the local football field about 2 hours earlier.  Joining me that day was a bag full of 20 distance drivers.  I was on a mission.  I was not going home until either my arm fell off or I broke 360 feet.  I didn’t just want to break 360′ once, I wanted … Read more

Do You Really Want Fries With That?

This isn’t a post about weight loss.  It’s not a post about cholesterol.  This isn’t going to be someone talking down to you about how you are a horrible person because you like yummy, delicious food.  Mmmmmmm, french fries!  (Read that with a Homer Simpson voice)  OK, hang on while I clean the drool off … Read more

Do You Have the Heart of a Champion?

We weren’t even out of the car when I heard the question I already knew was coming. “$1 skins?” “Sure” I replied. “Love playing with you, you’re always willing to donate.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah.  One of these days I’ll get my money back.” Almost all of my disc golf friends are better than me.  Most … Read more

The #1 Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Disc Golf Game.

How do I get better? It’s at the heart of almost every disc golf question asked on forums, blogs, campfire conversations, and FaceBook groups.  There’s a million ways the question gets asked. “What discs should I throw?” “How can I add distance to my throw?” “What disc would you throw on this hole?” “Here’s a … Read more

Get out to Round Lake, IL now, you won’t regret it!

3 Years in the making, Squaw Creek Gold is a reality!!! In 2011, Brett Comincioli, club president of the Discontinuum Disc Golf Club of North Eastern Illinois, went to the Round Lake Area Park District with a dream.  A dream of bringing a championship level disc golf course to NE Illinois. 3 years later, that … Read more

Why are you punching yourself in the face on the disc golf course?!?!

We are our own worst enemy. With all the negative voices coming from the news, our coworkers, our friends, and our families, the biggest negative voice in most of our lives lives right inside our own head.  This can be especially true on the disc golf course. A bunch of years back, I was a … Read more

Disc golf tournament and day trip packing list

So you are going to spend the day playing disc golf?  Gonna travel a bit to play at a course that’s not vey close to home?  Gonna go play a tournament today?  Those are some of my favorite days every year.  Packing up the car and heading out to spend the day with friends and … Read more