I’m not sure I’d want to play disc golf with Keanu Reeves. It would get really old really fast with him saying “Whoa” every time someone threw a good shot. I’d play with Neo, though. Morpheus too. It would be very cool to throw a shot in the woods only to have the trees all bend out of the way! I’d like to see McBeth do that!
disc golf memes
Misquoted Monday 12/21/15
Misquoted Monday 12/14/15
I’m going to pass on playing with Mickey and Mallory Knox. Let’s just let them play through instead, OK?
Misquoted Monday | Star Wars Special Edition
Our friends over at Country Disc Golf and the Disc Golf Putt Heads thought that with the release of Star Wars just around the corner, we should devote a very special #MisquotedMonday to what is possibly the greatest franchise in all of film. All throughout the day, all 3 of us will be sharing Star Wars themed misquoted Monday memes on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Head out and search for the hashtag #StarWarsDG to see if you can catch them all.
We encourage all of you to play along too. Post up your best Star Wars disc golf memes and use the hashtag. Let’s see what you’ve got!
For those that don’t want to search or wait for the Mind Body Disc contributions, here are our 4 entries for your viewing pleasure!

Misquoted Monday 11/30/15
When Lt. Aldo Raine tells you all you’re going to be doing is playing disc golf, he means it.
Misquoted Monday 11/23/15
For all of you out there that seem to get an ace every other day, Bart has a little message for you!
Misquoted Monday 11/16/15
Today’s #misquotedmonday tells you what to do for the post zombie apocalypse bring your own partner doubles tournament.
Misquoted Monday 11/9/15
In this week’s #misquotedmonday Cartman has some choice words for those friends that don’t want to go throw!
Wisdom Wednesday – Motivation and Bathing
At the end of your days, you’re going to look back on your life and say one of two things. “I wish I had.” or “I’m glad I did.”. The difference between which of those you end up saying could simply be how motivated you were.
Misquoted Monday 11/2/15
Every Monday, we share a “Misquoted Monday” disc golf meme where we take pieces of pop culture and twist them a bit to give them some disc golf flavor!