Misquoted Monday | Star Wars Special Edition

Our friends over at Country Disc Golf and the Disc Golf Putt Heads thought that with the release of Star Wars just around the corner, we should devote a very special #MisquotedMonday to what is possibly the greatest franchise in all of film. All throughout the day, all 3 of us will be sharing Star Wars themed misquoted Monday memes on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Head out and search for the hashtag #StarWarsDG to see if you can catch them all.

We encourage all of you to play along too. Post up your best Star Wars disc golf memes and use the hashtag. Let’s see what you’ve got!

For those that don’t want to search or wait for the Mind Body Disc contributions, here are our 4 entries for your viewing pleasure!

Star Wars Disc Golf Meme
Do you keep your collectible discs in carbonite?

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