Just the Tip – Slow Down

Just the Tip Header Image

If you are a racing fan, you are familiar with the phrase, “slow is smooth and smooth is fast”.  Variants of that phrase are used in many sports.  I’ve heard it in bowling, ball golf, and baseball to name a few.  It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s true every time.  It’s not until a race … Read more

Just the Tip – Cold Practice

Several hundred reps at the practice basket.  Another couple hundred drives in the field.  Pretty common recommendations for practice, right?  Read this blog or a number of others and you’ll see this type of practice regimen prescribed repeatedly. Then one day you say, “All right, I give in!  I’m finally going to commit to that … Read more

Road to the GBO – Taking the Field Out of Field Work

Field Work

When interviewers ask Simon Lizotte how he learned to throw as far as he does, his answer is daily field work.  When Paul McBeth makes a video on how he practices, he shows you his field work.  When people write in to the Disc Golf Answer Man podcast and ask how to get better, you … Read more

Just the Tip – Pick a Target

In a previous tip, we talked about seeing the line.  Actually looking, in your mind’s eye, for the flight line you want your disc to take.  While that works well, there’s an additional aiming aid that, when combined with seeing your line, will have you shooting lights out in tight quarters before you know it. … Read more

Wisdom Wednesday – Suffer Now

How do I make practice fun?  How do I make training enjoyable?  Both questions have a hidden, underlying, unspoken meaning behind them, “If training/practice isn’t fun, I won’t do it.”.  In the end, if we want to be great at anything, there is a problem with this statement. If you want to be the best at … Read more

Just the Tip – Every Rep Counts

I hear people all the time talking about “knocking out” a certain number of practice putts.  They “got in” X number of throws out in the field.  They are quite proud of being able to get in a practice round in under so many minutes. First, I’m not here to knock anyone that is practicing … Read more

Road to the GBO – Disc Golf Deadline

3 months straight.  That’s how long I’ve been training daily in an effort to ready myself for the 2015 Glass Blown Open.  I’m slated to arrive in Emporia on April 26, which means I’ve got 6 weeks left to prepare. It’s been 12 weeks of working out, meditating, practicing putting, studying up on the mental … Read more

The Quest

Alex was pretty sure he was going to lose a couple of toes after this.  The cold had crept through his clothing and into his bones days ago.  At first it was uncomfortable.  Then it was painful.  Now he was just numb.  He was glad the pain was gone, but he was coming to grips … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – Focus

  The second putt always goes in. You know what I’m talking about.  You miss that first putt, pick up another putter and just fire it at the basket.  That second putt always goes in.  The same thing happens with lots of other shots.  You’re standing in the woods and you hit the first available … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – Disc Golf Habits

76 Days to Go. Human beings are creatures of habit.  The things that we’ve always done tend to be the things that we continue to do.  We eat the same meals, usually at the same times.  We get up the same time each day and lay our heads on our pillows at the same time … Read more