When interviewers ask Simon Lizotte how he learned to throw as far as he does, his answer is daily field work. When Paul McBeth makes a video on how he practices, he shows you his field work. When people write in to the Disc Golf Answer Man podcast and ask how to get better, you can bet that Eric McCabe will recommend field work. There’s only one problem with those recommendations…
Field work is stunningly boring.
That’s right, I said it. Most of you were thinking it, don’t lie. Look, if field work were as fun as playing rounds, we would all do a lot more of it. Bottom line is that when faced with spending our free time playing rounds or chasing our discs around a football or soccer field, most of us choose to hit the course every time.
So what is a disc golfer in need of improvement (and isn’t that all of us?) to do? Just playing rounds leads to minimal, if any, improvement. The improvement that does come comes at a snails pace compared to the improvement to be had from solid field work. For example, in a round you may only throw a tunnel shot that fades right at the end once in a round. You could throw that same shot 100 times in a field in the time it takes you to play a round.
But this isn’t a post about why field work is more effective. For a million different reasons it just is. This is a post about how to make field work less boring than watching paint dry and hopefully more effective.
First, I realize that there is a group of people out there who religiously do field work and actually enjoy it. Those people are weird and this post probably isn’t for them. For the rest of us, we need a way to get the benefit of doing field work while still getting the enjoyment of being out on the course.
The answer is actually pretty simple. Do your field work out on the course.
I play a ton of solo rounds. A metric ton, actually. That’s because the times I am able to play are when no one else is available. 6-7am on a weekday is a time that sees very little action out there on the course. You pretty much have the place to yourself no matter where you live or how much traffic your local course gets. This means that if you want to play at this time, it’s generally by yourself. This also means that you don’t have to worry about playing each hole quickly.
At this point in my preparation for the Glass Blown Open, the only day I do field work in a field is on Saturday. When the courses are full, that’s when I head to the local football field. Other than that, all of my field work is done out on the course itself. Here are the top 10 reasons why:
- On a course, you can simulate any shot you would actually face when playing. In an open field, you can’t do this. Sure, you can pull a Mr. Rogers and imagine it all, but that just isn’t the same. Practicing tunnel shots is a lot more fun and a lot more effective when you are actually in a tunnel.
- On a course, you have a real tee pad. Everyone always says, “practice how you play”. Well, I don’t know about you, but when I’m driving in rounds, I drive off of tee pads 95% of the time.
- There is elevation on a course, not on a soccer field. Unless your park district designed the worst soccer field in the entire world, it’s flat. You can’t practice throwing up or downhill when you are on flat ground.
- On a course, you have actual baskets to throw at. Sure you can bring cones or other targets with you to the field, but there’s nothing quite like throwing at a basket. This strongly contributes to the “fun and not boring” part of doing field work on the course.
- On a course, you can alternate between driving, upshots, putting, and lots of other stuff. This is how a real round goes. When playing, you don’t get to throw 9 drivers before you throw the one that counts. Mixing up the shots you are practicing is a much closer approximation to how you actually play.
- There are obstacle on a course. Again, you can pretend to throw your disc around an imaginary tree in an empty field. Or, you can throw your disc around an actual tree. The latter is just more effective.
- You can get in putting and throwing practice out on the course. Typically, when out in a field, there is no putting. A day without putting practice is a day of practice at least partially wasted.
- On the course, there are many different types of grass, dirt, and other ground cover. You can practice getting your disc to land the right way in each. You can practice skip shots right along with shots that stop dead in longer grass.
- You get regular changes in scenery as you move around the course. The boring sports field will always be the boring sports field. The changing environments around the course serve to keep things interesting. The more interesting things are, the longer you tend to practice.
- It’s more fun out on the course. When your practice is more fun, you will do it more often. The field work that you used to do just once in a while becomes the field work you do weekly or even daily.
Now, there is one big drawback. You will be tempted to just play a round instead of practicing. And that’s a big temptation. In order for this to work, you have to be committed to just practicing. If you can do that, though, you are bound for much more beneficial practice sessions.
So how do you go about this? Honestly it doesn’t really matter. You could go out and throw a bunch of shots from each spot as you play around the course. You could go out to select holes and play them over and over with multiple discs. You could go out and pick certain spots and throw a stack of discs from each one. You could go to one hole that’s just out of your reach and work on your distance by driving it over and over again. Just take a stack of discs, and probably your video camera, and get out there and practice.
Those are just a few of the many ways you can get in field work out on the course. And that in and of itself highlights one of the benefits. The possibilities are endless. The opportunity to improve virtually every aspect of your game is limited only by your imagination.
I honestly believe that people don’t practice because playing is more fun. For me, field work on the course is almost the only way I practice. If you follow me on Facebook, you’ve seen my daily practice updates. Unless the weather is bad, almost all of them are made up field work drills done out on the course. This one mind set shift has done more for my practice regimen than just about anything else. I encourage you to try it for yourself.
[tweetthis]The most effective #discgolf practice drills are the ones that you actually do.[/tweetthis]
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I think football/soccer field work has one immense benefit when it comes to throwing in different wind conditions. You can increase your confidence throwing into head and crosswinds.
You are right Victor. There are actually a bunch of benefits of an open field that sometimes aren’t available on a course. My problem is that I’d much rather be on the course. I just don’t like going to that open field.
I’m also lucky enough that the first 4 holes on my home course are all open and one longer than the next. Each one goes in a different direction. That typically gets me all the wind practice I need. I’ll take 5-10 drivers out to those holes and play them in a loop.
Thanks for the feedback!
There are also many benefits of choosing a field over a course for practice, especially much larger fields than football and soccer fields..those aren’t big enough for proper distance shots. Losing discs is pretty hard to do in a big open field, but really easy to do in your tunnel shot example. You’d have to mark on a map of the hole where each disc went if bouncing off trees at 50mph was going on. The biggest benefit of a massive field over a course is distance shots like rollers and long turnover or practicing hyzer flips. When you have no fear of throwing into the woods, you’ll experiment more efficiently. Nothing holding you back from sky rollers when no matter how you throw it it’ll still end up in an open field. Just get a bunch of cones and find the biggest field in your area, you can get really creative with those cones. Football and soccer fields are good for practicing hitting your lines though, that’s for sure.
I agree, Brad. I’d never practice distance in the woods. Luckily my home course starts off with 4 long holes that are plenty long enough for all out distance or roller practice.
I can play 1-4 and then play 18 back to 1 again. That loop with a stack of drivers is my preferred method to work on distance and occasionally rollers (although I need a lot more work with those!).
I’m lucky, though. My home course is 36 holes of Chuck Kennedy designed goodness. It’s the best disc golf within a 4 hour drive in any direction from me and I live 5 minutes away!
Thanks, as always, for the feedback and support!
AH, you must be talking about Fairfield. Love that place. I hope to run into you at GBO and get a round in there in RL sometime!
Yep, I sure am. I’m so lucky to live right down the street from there. When are you getting to the GBO? I’m getting in on Sunday and am looking for people to play some practice rounds with.
Any time you want to play in Round Lake, let me know, I’m happy to meet up for a round.
I agree. I do single rounds a bit more than field work, and there’s really not a lot of people at any course at 6 or 7 in the morning, especially on weekends. While I can get good distance and shot shaping practice in a field, it doesn’t help with the wooded holes that are abundant here in WI. The good thing about practicing at the course is that I can pull multiple drives on the same hole and really get a feel for certain situations like tight tunnels or low ceilings. I learn all the paths and the tricks of many local courses and it gives me an advantage when I do compete with friends.
A good game to play is to keep a hole average on a scorecard app (I use UDisc) and don’t move to the next hole until you can tie or beat your average score.
I can’t tell you how valuable this has been. I’m starting to get past a lot of the major flaws in my game and starting to see real improvement in my problem areas.
I like that idea Joe, I’m definitely going to try it. I’ve been wanting to get UDisc anyway, this will give me the motivation I needed. Thanks for the suggestion!
Great article, but I have a great urge to nitpick:
“when I play, I play off of tee pads 95% of the time”
Well then, you must birdie most holes if that is the case. 😉
Most of us throw an average of 1 tee shot, 1 approach and 1 putt per hole (when the play is good), so the amount of throws from the teepad actually goes down to 33.3%.
Sorry. I really had to point that out. But I do love the article, and agree with it 99.9%.
Thank you for taking the time to think & write it out so well. 🙂
I will take your advice and do field work on the course as much as I can.
You are correct! In fact, I’m going to go in and edit the article to read “When I’m driving on the course, I’m driving off of tee pads 95% of the time”.
Thanks for pointing that out, I appreciate it. I also appreciate you reading the blog, thank you!
Super-awesome reply, and a great way to take my humorous critique in the best possible way. 🙂
Keep at it, yours is a great blog!
Good read for sure! I try to do field work at my local course as well. Sometimes I’ll play from a teepad and not necessarily throw to the corresponding basket but look for different lines I might not see in a regular round. Tighter gaps and tunnels with lower ceilings is something I try to find and then throw it RHBH and RHFH a few times. Great way to practice for sure
Thanks Phil!
Good to hear I’m not the only one that does this!
Thanks for keeping up with the blog, I appreciate it!