Just the Tip – Pre Shot Routine

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Baseball players have one before their at bats.  Golfers have one before every shot.  Quarterbacks have one before they step up and call for a snap.  Virtually all professional athletes have a pre shot routine.  You should too. You might have heard this before, but the real question is why?  What is the benefit?  There … Read more

10 Pieces of Disc Golf Advice I Wish I Had Listened To

Life Can Be Cruel

One of life’s cruel tricks is that the tools and perspective you need to make the most of life often don’t come to you until well after you need them.  How many times have we said things like…  “If I could go back to high school knowing what I know now.” or “If I could go back to college knowing what I know now.” or “I wish I could go back and date that person again knowing what I know now.”  It seems like we are never fully equipped with the knowledge we need at the time we actually need it. This is especially true for me when it comes to disc golf advice.

Going back in time to pick up some disc golf advice
Sometimes I wish there really was such a thing as the wayback machine.

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Disc Golf Up Shot Technique to Control Distance Accurately

“So can I play disc golf yet?” “Do you want to go back to not being able to walk?” “OK.  OK.  You know I have to ask.” “You’ll be able to play again someday, I promise.  For now let’s get to work.” For a little over a year, this was the conversation I had with my … Read more

And the Farthest Flying Disc Golf Disc Is……

Gimme Some D!

Distance. It’s the holy grail for most disc golfers.  We chase it like we chased the opposite sex when we hit puberty.  We think about distance. We talk about distance. We post about distance online. We buy apps to validate our distance in the field. On the whole, it is a life long addiction that can never be satisfied. Hit the 300′ mark and we immediately seek 350′. Hit 400′, not good enough.  Hit 800′, you are probably posting on a message board (cut that out, no one believes you!!!).

The Farthest Flying Disc Golf Disc

Most of us have a firm grasp on the fact that technique is the real key to unlocking distance. That knowledge, unfortunately, does many of us no good. We all have the uncanny ability to know the right answer and give ourselves great advice (more field work is needed), yet many of us never seem to be able to take our own advice.

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