A big part of the reason I post positive motivational memes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is that I constantly need to remind myself to be positive and motivated. I write posts about digging deep and doing your best to try and inspire myself as much as I’m trying to inspire each of you. I truly believe that the best way to go through life is being positive and optimistic.
Sometimes, though, my positive outlook on life gets stomped on like a Justin Beiber fan at a gathering of the Juggalos. It gets beat down repeatedly until it finally gives up and says, “screw you guys, I’m goin’ home!”. That’s when I obey lord Vader, give in to the dark side, and write a good old fashioned rant.
What has my panties bunched all the way up around my neck today? Litter.
It’s one of those things that is so stupid simple, it completely baffles me that it still happens. You take piece of trash A and put it in garbage can B. My 4 year old niece can do it. Why can’t the people out on the disc golf course?

Right now, as I sit here and write this, I would bet my next two pay checks that there isn’t a single disc golf course across the entire US that is free from litter. Not a single one. Somewhere there is a cigarette butt on the ground, a bottle cap in the grass, a cellophane from a pack of smokes laying around, or a price tag from a newly purchased disc stuck to a tee sign. How sad is it that you can’t go to one single freaking disc golf course, ever, without seeing trash laying around?!
How does this trash get there? That’s the astoundingly ignorant part. People just throw it there. They literally create a piece of garbage and are totally comfortable just throwing it on the ground wherever they are. It blows my mind. Who the hell do these people think they are that they can just walk around and toss crap hither and yon (oh yeah, I said hither and yon) like the magic trash faeries that live in the trees need something to do? Do these people think they are going to get lost in the woods and the only thing that will save them is leaving a trail of starburst wrappers to follow back to safety?
Now for the best part. The other players on the course walk right past it! Honestly, that’s just as bad as if you had thrown it there yourself. How can group after group after group walk right past an entire McDonald’s bag laying out on the course and not pick the damn thing up?! And these are groups of people who probably would be offended if you accused them of littering. Well guess what? YOU ARE LITTERING! Leaving it there is the same as throwing it there. Don’t walk past it, clean that crap up! And “It’s not my mess” is a BS, weak ass excuse for being lazy.

Here’s a good one for you. I asked someone once why they continually walked past trash and bottles and cans without picking them up. The answer? “If I did that, all I would be doing is picking up garbage. I’d never have time to play.” Wait a second, let me get my translator app out…. Oh yeah, that actually means, “I don’t give a damn and am the center of my own special universe where everyone else should wait on me, but I shouldn’t ever have to pitch in to help anyone else. Now make me a turkey pot pie!”
About once a week, I take a 30 gallon garbage bag to my home course and play a garbage bag round. Not once have I failed to fill it up. Bottles, cans, wrappers, condoms, socks, shoes, tampons, fast food containers, soda cups, coffee cups, straws, broken glass, and the list goes on. Every single week. It’s damn disgusting. I go out to enjoy a round of disc golf, I end up cleaning up condoms and tampons. Oh joy! Just how I wanted to spend my day!
Look, this isn’t cold fusion. We don’t need a team from NASA to crack this for us. We don’t need an app. It’s a simple three step plan.

Step one. If you pack it in, pack it out. Or throw it in a garbage can if your course has them.
Which brings up another sore spot. How the F*$% can you throw your garbage on the ground right next to the garbage can? Seriously? Are these people doing their best Shaquille O’Neil free throw impression?
Step two. If you see garbage on your course. Pick it up and throw it away… Even if it’s not yours.
Step three. When you see someone else throwing trash on the ground, call them on it. It’s not OK and someone needs to say something. My personal favorite way is to pick up the garbage and run up to them quickly saying, “Hey, you guys dropped this, and it looks important. I figured you would want it back.” Of course I’m 6’6″ and 205 lbs. People don’t usually give me crap when I do stuff like that.
Folks, there isn’t a single disc golfer out there that doesn’t want more and better and nicer courses. Not a single one. Yet we can’t seem to take care of the ones we have. If everyone out there followed the 3 rules above, our courses would be constantly pristine. It’s up to us to make that happen.
That’s enough ranting for now. Time to go back to being positive and inspired. The problem is that I have a sinking feeling that tomorrow when I hit the course I’m positive I’ll find trash on the ground and then I’ll be inspired to rant some more. And that’s just the wrong kind of positive and inspired, isn’t it?
[tweetthis]Love your local #discgolf course. Pick up some garbage today![/tweetthis]
I realize a lot of the people reading this are not the problem. I do play with people who don’t litter and spend a good amount of time picking up after others. It’s just time to get a lot more people to act like that. If we really want to grow our sport, the first thing we’ll need is a clean place for it to grow.
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You may not like to rant, but damn, you do it well when you do! Point very well taken. Love your blog. I look forward to it every week.
Now put a smile back on your face because I am sure you have inspired some people as usual.
Dan Trapp
Thanks Dan, I appreciate that!
Great point Tim! I never litter, but I never think to pick it up either. I’ll pack something extra out the next time I play.
That’s awesome to hear! If everyone did just a little bit, this wouldn’t be a problem in the first place!
Thanks for reading the blog and thanks for leaving a comment, I really appreciate it!
So what is this, this is bs, sorry but it is, In this case do you also pick up dog shit ?
if you see one, if you answer is yes i dont beleave you, and also do you pick up
trash from the street ? i agree this is a problem, but the people that do this must be stupid !!!
leave it as it was when you arrive – that is why no one pick it up…
nothing against you but this is my cup of tea…whats yours ?
Hey johan, thanks for the feedback. I love it when people speak up even when their views differ.
To answer your questions, no I don’t pick up dog poop, luckily Mother Nature takes care of that along with the deer poop, squirrel poop, raccoon poop, and all the other poop out there in nature.
I do pick up trash along my street.
I choose not to leave the disc golf park as it was when I got there, I choose to try to leave it better. We don’t see eye to eye there, but that’s what makes this world a great place, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I really appreciate you reading the blog and leaving feedback and I hope you continue to do so going forward.
Much love and keep ’em in the fairway!
But if my disc land in it or i walk in it, its to late fore the mother nature to take care of it 😉 yes who are the people that have dogs and dont take care of it they shouldnt have a dog, , its like : dont change diaper on there own kids- ofc they do, why ? yes becouse they live close to the poop, similar to the cource i dont think they have cans in there whole livingroom or house, not exactly the same but you get what i mean,
i will write a post on my club page now to explain this stupidity, they need to take care of there own shit, anyway thx for your comment, and yes i will continue read your blog 🙂
here is what i wrote 🙂 with some help from you post 😉
Stop throwing trash on the ground or leave your garbage on the discgolf course
I read a post recently how many that is complaining about this
and just walk by the empty can of beer or what ever it is and totaly gnore it, they said that we are as bad as they are that throw it on the ground and we dont pick it up, ofc not its not our shit, most of us think so and its true, why do people do this ? they dont clean there own home either ? ofc they do becouse they live there and like to have it clean, am i right or am i right, stop being stupid and ignorant, bring a plastic bag with you and throw all your cans in them, and also this is important becouse there is no pledge on the cans becouse everyone buy export beer without pledge, its better but still not okey to leave it on the ground in you park or elsewhere for that matter,
Stop littering – we need more bin in our park ohh maybe not, we are just lazy fucks, bring a bag for your own garbage and throw it when you have a chans,,, very simple when i think about it…
If you have a pay and play cource dont allow this, if you see someone to throw or leave a can or anything just take a picture and ban them for 10 days or so…well you need to have a sign that tell them this so they understand becouse they are stupid and need a sign… hopefully they can read !!!
And for dog owners that don´t pick up after there dogs , do you change diaper on you kids ? ofc you do, so why – that has a simple answer to it ? becouse they live close to it- am i right or am i right, ofc the mother nature will take care of it but is it soon enough before someone plant there foot in it or maybe sit in it, and at our park there is free bags so no excuse for being lazy… if you have a dog you need to be able to pick up after it or ask someone to help you pick it up, if you ask me i would help you if you have a bad back or something, anyway dont hesitate to ask 😉 i have seen someone in our park she drive a mobility scooter and she has a dog and that never hit my mind if she is able to pick it up and that is sad if she cant pick it up but they can ask someone 🙂 if someone ask you please help him her next time and bring your own garbage bag for everyones comfort 😉
Broken glas comes from a bottle that someone put there most of the time anyway some people meight smash it or hit it with a disc and laught at it and move on..so throw it away before someone hit it, a flask is much easier to pick up than a broken one… 😉
And even throw away small brances to a tree if you stumble on some…
Make your parks a clean place….