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Well look at that, you made it!!!

Welcome to the Mind Body Disc family. We are actually doing a little dance right now. That’s how excited we are that you are here!

We’ve hired away the top talent from Google, Facebook, and Jimmy John’s (strictly for their ability to be freaky fast) to work together to bring you the single most epic and incredible disc golf site in the history of the internet. Or, at the very least, to be a fun way to kill some time at work when the boss isn’t looking.

Every week, that same team combines its considerable mental powers to send you an email. At the least, it will be a summary of all the articles we posted that week. At the most it will be an incredible list of recommendations guaranteed to make you better at disc golf than Paul McBeth. In reality, it will probably be somewhere between those two.

The site has over 200 articles posted, so feel free to dig in and check everything out.

If you are curious, you can find out about me here.

And don’t forget, we love us some free. Click here for your free high resolution disc golf wall paper images. We will change them out for fresh new images every month and email you the new link as part of our weekly newsletter.

Pick the one(s) you like, download them to your computer, then right click and select “use as background image”, “set desktop picture”, or whatever similar option your particular OS offers you.


For those of you that like short cuts, here’s a short list of our most popular and life changing posts…

The #1 Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Disc Golf Game.

And the Farthest Flying Disc Golf Disc Is……

How Ostriches, Kittens, and a Llama Named Steve Can Help Your Disc Golf Game.

One Thing I Don’t Want in my Disc Golf Bag

10 Pieces of Disc Golf Advice I Wish I Had Listened To

Does Your Arm Speed Match Your Disc Speed?

A Word From Michael Jordan’s Trainer on Playing Disc Golf Under Pressure

10 Steps to Making Better Decisions in Disc Golf

Mind Body Disc Greatest Hits


If there is anything you’d like to see on the site or if you have any suggestions, please let us know. I read and answer every email you send. Feel free to reach out anytime to

Thanks for subscribing and welcome!

Much love and keep ’em in the fairway,
Tim – Mind Body Disc

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