Wisdom Wednesday – Temper Temper

I’ve written about bag kickers before.  We’ve all played with our share of people that should be attending rageaholics anonymous meetings instead of playing disc golf.  We’ve all seen people completely melt down on the course over seemingly ridiculous things.  A few of these people need professional help.  Most of them, though, only need a … Read more

Road to the GBO – Course Correction

Pop quiz hot shot. You are playing in a tournament.  Your last 4 putts have hit the front of the basket instead of going in.  That includes one 10′ “tap in gimme” putt.  What do you do? You are playing in a doubles round on a wooded course.  Your last 3 tunnel shots have been … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – Focus

  The second putt always goes in. You know what I’m talking about.  You miss that first putt, pick up another putter and just fire it at the basket.  That second putt always goes in.  The same thing happens with lots of other shots.  You’re standing in the woods and you hit the first available … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – Disc Golf Habits

76 Days to Go. Human beings are creatures of habit.  The things that we’ve always done tend to be the things that we continue to do.  We eat the same meals, usually at the same times.  We get up the same time each day and lay our heads on our pillows at the same time … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – 83 Days to Go

I mentioned in one of my Facebook updates this week that I am restricting my reading to sports psychology for the duration of my preparation for the GBO.  I’m really enjoying that decision and I highly recommend that if you play competitively at all you check out at least one book on the subject.  I … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – 90 Days to Go

90 days, folks.  That’s 3 months.  A lot can happen in 3 months.  A lot needs to happen.  I’ve got every week planned.  I’ve got all of the needed steps mapped out.  I thought I’d thought of everything.  I was wrong. What I didn’t plan for was margin.  I didn’t plan for “what if”.  I … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – 97 Days to Go

Wow, we are officially in the double digits for the countdown.  The GBO is a little over 3 months away and there is still so much to do.  I know I say this every time, but damn this is flying by. I almost feel like I’m behind already. This week I had a realization that … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – 104 Days to Go

I’m trying really hard not to burn the wagon.  Really I am.  Let me explain… Pretty soon, the count down calendar goes to double digits.  As I’ve said several times on FaceBook, I can’t believe how quickly this is going.  I’ve officially been on the road to the GBO for a month now.  It was … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – 112 Days to Go

It’s been a month since I started down the road to the 2015 GBO.  I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. What, at first, seemed like a lot of time to prepare is becoming shorter and shorter every day.  Before you know it I’ll be packing up the car and dropping the dog … Read more

Road to the 2015 GBO – 119 Days to Go

  Abraham Lincoln once said that if he had 6 hours to chop down a tree, he’d spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.  Abe was a pretty smart guy.  I really don’t think he was talking about chopping down trees and that saying applies to an awful lot of things in life.  The only … Read more