Breaking story from the AP news wire…
Today, a public outcry was heard from the disc golf community. Disc golfers from around the country are rallying together behind a common cause. They are speaking out in unison against a wrong that has been done to them over the last several years. This outrage has been growing behind the scenes, but today it spilled into public view.
Tom, a disc golfer from New York says, “I’m sick and tired of it! What do they think, that we are made of money?!?!?”.
Julie, a tournament participant in Texas proclaims, “We can no longer stand for this! We have come together to demand more from the disc manufacturers at large!”.
Bill, a recreational player from Wisconsin explains, “Look, we’re not dumb but they continue to treat us like we are. It’s high time they stop and put some more thought into what they are doing.”

The galvanizing issue that has brought these disc golfers together in protest is one that has plagued disc golf for years. It’s a problem that they have quietly lived with and one that disc manufacturers have made worse as time has gone on. The problem? Non distinct discs. Too many discs are coming out that fly just like many other discs already on the market.
Why the sudden outcry? It seems that an upstart company from Emporia Kansas is behind all the ruckus. It looks as if Dynamic Discs has been aware of this seething problem for quite a few years. A spokesman for the company told us, “The disc golf community, in response to the vast quantity of unremarkable discs flooding the market, has demanded Justice. Today we are prepared to say that we have delivered Justice to the disc golf community!” Dynamic always has liked to stir the pot a little.
These golfers have a point. It used to be that a new disc was introduced because it added to the arsenal of the golfers it was sold to. Now, new discs come out almost daily. They all promise to be different and useful… And they usually fly just like all of the other discs that are already out and in bags everywhere.

George, a disc golfer from central Florida recounts a recent difficult time in his disc golf career…
“I was paralyzed with indecision. I just couldn’t decide between a Leopard, an Amp, a Stalker, or a River. I had all four in my bag and I could never decide what to throw. I’d pick one up, look at the shot in front of me, and then change my mind three or four times. All four are such good discs. I’ve thrown amazing shots with all of them. But which one to throw now?
“One day I just sat down in the middle of my round and started crying. I couldn’t take it any more. I had just added the Seer to those other 4 and it overloaded my brain! I was unable to play the sport that I love. Something had to be done!”

George eventually came to his senses and got rid of all but one of those discs. He realized that he only needed one stable fairway driver in his bag and not 5. He applied the same thinking to the rest of his discs too. You can now find George playing with only 6 discs. He carries them in his NutSac.
“The Nutsac ensures that I don’t go back to the land of overlap”, George tells us. “It’s one of the best things I’ve done for my game. There’s room for one more disc in there, but I’m holding that spot in case something truly different comes out. You know, something that will do things no other disc will do.”

Here is where golfers like George will be happy to hear about what Dynamic Discs has recently brought to disc golf. If you are looking for something truly unique to put in your bag, the Justice could be just what you are looking for.
When I’m not fake reporting for the Associated Press, I’m a disc golfer just like George, Tom, Julie, and Bill. I’ve got a garage full of different discs that all kind of do the same thing. When I heard that Dynamic was releasing an obscenely over stable midrange I had two initial thoughts…
One. I’ve already tried and still have 3 Drones, 2 Gators, 1 Hornet, 2 Zones, 1 Jokeri, 3 Harps, a Blaze, and a Demon. All of them have been in my bag at one time or another, and all of them basically do the same thing. Why would I want to try this new Justice thing?
Two. Of those discs, only one of the Harps is still in my bag because frankly I don’t need a stupidly over stable mid range. The Harp comes out in the wind for putts and approaches. For everything else, I can just power down something else that’s over stable and get the flight I’m looking for. No reason for the extra disc, right?

Dynamic Discs knew I was writing this story, so they sent me one. I put it in my bag and didn’t think much else about it. I honestly didn’t expect to throw it during my rounds. I was just going to field test it a few times. I figured it was going to be a one trick pony, so a few throws in a field would be enough.
Well, it’s been in my bag for almost 3 weeks now and I use it constantly. I’m having a really hard time coming to grips with the fact that I’m going to have to give it away to a reader soon. It’s a rare occasion when a disc that I review makes my bag. The Justice has done just that.
I’ll start by saying that the Justice is the disc you never knew you needed. It’s flight is so different than anything else I’ve thrown. There’s no way I could have known how much I’d actually reach for it until I actually threw it.
In its first round, I threw it 3 times. In the second I threw it over 10 times. That’s all it took. It was unlike anything else I had tried and I was hooked. It’s basically become my swiss army utility disc. It should be yours too.
Here are the shots it has proven itself on so far (I’m RHBH):
- Sharp fading short range shots.
- Shots that you can’t afford to go past the target.
- Short to medium length flicks that go hard right.
- Flicks that won’t go left even if you screw up and roll your wrist.
- Crazy sharp turning short S shots in the woods.
- Any short to medium range shot that has to go around something.
- Flick rollers that go straight.
- Thumbers and tommys that pan super slow and come to rest upside down.
- Putts into 40mph winds.
- Approaches into 40mph winds.
- Really any throw into any wind.
- Short range spikes.
- Grenades.
- Short, hard skip shots that almost make a U turn.
How is it so good at all of those shots? The Justice is probably the most over stable disc I’ve ever thrown and it has no glide. Those are two qualities I never thought I would like or have a use for in a disc. Turns out I was wrong.
It’s a rare occasion when a disc is released and turns out to be truly unique. Most of the time they can be described by saying, “it flies kind of like a …”. This is not one of those times. You really need to play with one to understand.
I’ll be giving my review copy away next week on the Facebook page. I’ve already got two more of my own ready to go into the bag. Make sure you keep an eye out for your chance to win, but even if you don’t win one, go buy one anyway. You will be happy you did.
You know what else you will be happy to have done? Subscribe to this blog. You will be automatically entered into every random drawing contest we do. You’ll also get quality disc golf content delivered to you weekly. How awesome is that?!
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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