Win a Brand New NutSac!


What’s a NutSac?

Have you been trying to make disc golf a little easier and a lot simpler?

It’s time to grab your game by the NutSac, lower your scores, and play better disc golf!

One of the best things I’ve done for my game this year was to eliminate most of the discs I carry.  The number of different pieces of plastic I was lugging around had reached epic proportions…

Wind coming out of the South West, humidity below 70%, and a slightly uphill shot?  I had a disc for that.

Rain in the forecast, playing on Western Kentucky bent grass, wearing shoes with slightly worn tread and standing on a 4 degree decline?  I had a disc for that.

Playing on a Monday, with an odd number of people, before noon, and within 6 weeks of the summer solstice?  Yeah, I had a disc for that.

I had taken a sport I love and turned it into an algebra problem.  The real problem was that adding discs was not reducing the number of throws I was writing down on my score card.  So I went on a disc diet.  I decided that 3 drivers, 3 mids, and a putter were more than enough.  Depending on the wind, I might switch one of those out for a utility disc.  Heck, on some days I go crazy and now only carry 5 discs!

My scores are down and my happiness is up.  I kick myself daily for not playing with my NutSac more often.  I bought it 3 years ago!!!  How could I let my NutSac just sit in the garage by itself collecting dust.  How did I not realize that the only worthwhile NutSac is one that gets regular love and use?  Check out the review I posted of the NutSac last week here.

Photo Jun 11, 10 24 11 AM

Win a NutSac!

I’m enjoying the sport so much more now that I’ve made this shift that I want you all to have this feeling too!  And to this end, the owner of NutSac bags has been kind enough to donate a single brown NutSac for Mind Body Disc to give away!!!

I can hear you all yelling now.  “I want a new NutSac!”, “Slap that NutSac in my hot little hands!”, “If anyone deserves a new NutSac, it’s me!”.

Here’s what you gotta do to win….

  1. Like NutSac discs on FaceBook.
  2. Like Mind Body Disc on FaceBook.
  3. Head to this post on our FaceBook page.  Like it, Share it, Comment on it with…
  4. A picture of how many discs you carry now (including the bag you use to do it).
  5. The discs you would carry in your new NutSac.
  6. Why you deserve a new NutSac of your very own.

We will take the 5 comments with the most likes and randomly draw from those for the winner of the free NutSac.  Please make sure to follow the rules.  I’d hate to see you miss your chance because you didn’t read the directions.

Have fun with this.  Go nuts!  You never know, a shiny brown NutSac could be headed right at you!  The winner will be chosen and announced on Friday, 6/26/2015.


And always remember that subscribers to this blog are automatically entered into every random drawing contest we run.  The above contest isn’t one of these, but there are more on the way soon.  Subscribe below so you don’t miss out!

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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”