After 4 months of writing updates, daily practice, constant day dreaming, and posting incessantly on social media about my preparation for the GBO, the big day is here! I get in the car and head for Emporia later on today!

When I started this journey, I had one goal. I wanted to roll into Emporia knowing that I had done all I could to prepare myself to play to my fullest potential. I knew all along that winning was an extremely lofty target, especially since I’m just not as good at disc golf as a lot of the folks that will be there. I’m registered in advanced masters and most of those guys are rated much higher than I am. Winning wasn’t the real point, though.
The point was to give my all in preparation for something and then to go execute. All I want is to finish this upcoming week knowing that I left it all on the course. The place I finish in is not important (although one of those glass trophies would look sweet on my bookshelves!). Giving my best performance is. One of my favorite things about individual sports like disc golf is your only real competition is yourself.
So as I think back across the past 4 months, I ask myself if I did everything I could. Did I put in as much time and effort as possible? Did I leave no stone unturned as I got ready for my biggest disc golf event in many years?

Looking in my putting log, I’m approaching 25,000 practice putts. That’s an average of 200 putts a day for almost 4 months solid. I’ve meditated every day. I’ve trained almost every day. The number of days I didn’t do something to prepare for the trip can be counted on one hand. Looking back, I’m really proud of the dedication. If you knew me personally, you would know why. This is the hardest I’ve worked at a singular goal in a very long time.
A lot of that success is due to you. I can’t believe that my ramblings about getting ready for a disc golf tournament would gain so much attention. I can’t believe so many of you follow along so regularly. The support I’ve gotten from the people who read this blog and follow me on social media has just blown me away. You all are a huge part of why I was able to stick this out as well as I have.
Now, as I get ready to get in the car and head off on this grand adventure, I find it hard to think of a way I can thank you as genuinely and as sincerely as I’d like to. I wish I could reach out and give each of you a firm handshake and a hug. I want to look each of you in the eye and say, “Thank you”. What I really want is to be able to fit you all in the car and take you along!
Since I can’t actually take all of you with me, I want to do it virtually. I’ll be using the blog and my social media accounts to keep you by my side. I’ll have daily updates here on the blog to recap the lessons I learn on the trip. I’ll have multiple daily posts on Facebook as I recap the sights, sounds, and experiences of GBO week. I’ll post the week in images on Instagram so you can see what it’s like to be in a town that opens its arms wide for disc golf. I’ll tweet to reach out and talk to you all on Twitter so it can be like we are all there together.
So, make sure you are following at all of those places. Please hit me up on any of them with any and all questions or comments you may have. It’s sure to be a really great time!
Just because the Road to the GBO posts will be over doesn’t mean the blog is going away. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe! There’s a whole world of disc golf goodness ahead of us and subscribing is the best way to make sure you don’t miss any of it!
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