Wisdom Wednesday – Keep Moving Forward

Photo Dec 10, 1 07 51 AM

And in my case, if you can’t putt, start practicing!  This is an exciting time here at the Mind Body Disc HQ.   Things are really picking up steam around here.  I won’t bore you with all of the why on this post, but let’s just say that consistently moving forward is paying off.

Even on days when it seems impossible to make progress, always do something.  Do one small thing to move yourself forward every day and you’ll be surprised where you are in a year.  It’s like the old saying, “How do you eat an elephant?”  One bite at a time.  Every day take a step.  Every day take a bite.

In the next two weeks, you are going to start seeing the result of some of this progress.  There’s a killer new resource that we will be launching.  There’a a collaboration with Zen Disc Golf.  There’s a couple of new weekly features.  There will be a new newsletter in about a month or so.  Lots of stuff coming your way.  And none of it would be coming to fruition without consistent, daily, forward movement.

Some days we fly, some days we crawl, but as Dr. King so eloquently puts it, we must find a way to move forward every day.