

There’s Only So Much Time in a Day

I’m guessing you’ve noticed that I haven’t put any new content up in a while. Not here, not on the Disc Golf Answer Man, not on the Zen Disc Golf Podcast, not on Instagram, not on Twitter, and not on Facebook. I’ve had a couple quality guest posts, but nothing directly from me in a while.

And I regret to report that’s probably not going to change for a while.

I’ll be back, but I’ve decided to take a break.

First, disc golf was becoming something like work. And that’s not good. Between the blog, social media, and the podcasts, I was spending 20-25 hours a week on Mind Body Disc. And that’s before I played any disc golf! With only a little summer left, and fall (my favorite time of year to play) around the corner, I needed to clear my plate to get out and play.

Second, I work in retail. My normal work week is 45-50 hours of work and then another 10 hours of commuting. Heading into the holiday season, that will only get worse. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for other stuff.

Third, and most exciting for me, I’ve started a company with my brother and Dad. We already have paying work and we are growing faster than we ever thought we would. That’s where all of my spare time is going right now. If you want to check out what I’m up to:



And with that, I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all of you for all the kind words and support you’ve given over the last 2.5 years. I look forward to the day when my new venture allows me to leave my retail job and gives me time to get back to Mind Body Disc once again. I’m not gone for good, I just have to push pause for a bit.

I’ll see you out on the course!!!

2 thoughts on “Pause…”

  1. I get it my friend. I appreciate all the work you have done on mindbodydisc. I really enjoy reading your insight on the sport of disc golf. Good luck to you in your future endeavors . Can’t wait to read you again. Be well.

  2. Sad day for the disc golf society! But take care of yourself, and thank you for everything!

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