If you are reading this page, that means that you are considering contributing to one of the most read disc golf blogs on the internet. Hello and welcome! I love when people want to join in the conversation, especially if they have something interesting or valuable to add.
General Rules for Guest Posts…
- Your post should be unique. We aren’t looking for a rehash of the same tired old topics.
- Your post should be useful to the reader. At Mind Body Disc, we try to ensure that every post leaves the reader a better disc golfer when they are done. That’s our goal and that should be your goal too.
- We aren’t looking for rants. I rant every once in a while, but hey, it’s my blog. Useful, positive, and productive content only please.
- I shouldn’t have to say this, but no plagiarism. Original content only. With as many readers as this blog gets, you’ll be found out sooner than later anyway.
- You should have some experience as a writer. If you don’t, and your post does not get accepted, please don’t take it the wrong way. This blog is read by over 20,000 people every month. You need to be up for that challenge!
- If you can’t read and follow these and the following directions, I will not consider your post. I just don’t have time for that.
Your Post Should…
- Have an amazing title.
- Have a great opening paragraph that makes readers want to read more.
- Be broken up into small paragraphs that are easily and quickly readable.
- Use headings and sub headings to break the content up into scanable chunks.
- Be more than 500 words but less than 2000.
- Not contain spelling or grammar errors.
- Be complete and ready to publish.
- Have 2-4 images that you have the right to use to be included in the post.
- Have an author bio that contains any links you want included back to your site or content.
You Should…
- Send the article in plain text in the body of an email to mindbodydisc@gmail.com
- Title that email “GUEST POST REQUEST”
- Attach the above mentioned images to the email
- Include links to where your other writing has been published (your blog, other blogs you’ve posted on, Medium, PDGA site, etc.)
- Not get upset if I ask you to edit or revise the post
You Should Not…
- Use any special fonts or colors
- Include any affiliate links
The Process…
I have two full time jobs outside of this blog. I apologize in advance if I don’t get right back to you.
Once I receive the post, I’ll read it, make any suggestions I have, and reply to your email.
Once the post is finalized and approved, it will go into our editorial calendar and I will let you know when it is scheduled to post. We supplement each post with FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram posts.
If you have a blog, website, or social media presence, we ask that you link to your post on Mind Body Disc in those channels.
We retain the copyright of all material published on Mind Body Disc. A guest poster cannot republish their guest post elsewhere; it must remain unique to Mind Body Disc.