Mind Body Disc Friday Feature Weekly Finalists 9/25/15

If you don’t follow us over on Instagram, (and if you don’t, WHY NOT?!?!) then you miss out on one of our most popular events of the week… The Mind Body Disc Friday Feature.

People from all over the world tag their disc golf pics with #mindbodydisc for their chance to get reposted and featured in front of our over 3500 Instagram followers.

Each week we pick our 4-7 favorite images and spend the day Friday showing them off.

Until now, this has been only an Instagram thang.

Starting next week, every Friday we will feature these images in video form over on our Facebook page and right here. On the blog, we’ll also give you a gallery of the images so you can click on them and really check them out.

This week we are a little late, but here are the finalists for the week we announced on 9/25/15…

This week’s pics put to music!

(change the rez to 720p if your display can handle it!)


Here’s the pics for your viewing pleasure!


If you like these images, make sure you follow these folks over on Instagram!

Also, make sure you are subscribed to the blog! You never know when we will add something new like this. The only way to make sure you don’t miss it is by subscribing!

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