
All that matters…

There are few things more beautiful than the flight of a well thrown disc.  From that one pure thing springs my love for disc golf.

How I got here…

In 2003, my roommate, my best friend, and I were bored.  It was a beautiful summer day and we wanted to do something outside.  I always loved playing catch with a frisbee, so I suggested getting outside and having a catch.  After about 5 minutes, they were bored, so I suggested we go try out “that frisbee golf course” a few blocks away.  We grabbed 3 frisbees and headed over.

I remember that first round like it was yesterday.  Not because I found the game overly fun, but because I was fascinated by all the people walking around with bags of strange looking frisbees on their backs.  And they were giving us the funniest looks.  “Playing with old school lids today, huh?” one guy asked.  That guy turned out to be Al “the Rifleman” Bingman.  Ask any old school pro about Al and they’ll remember him, he’s a character.

Well, we played our round and went back home.  Neither of my buddies were impressed, but my curiosity was piqued.  A couple of weeks later, I went back.  Lid in hand, I got there on a Saturday morning.  Little did I know I’d end up in the middle of Saturday morning leagues.  When I pulled up, there were two guys on the first tee emptying their bags at the first basket.

At that time, the first basket was about 360 out.  These guys were throwing these huge hyzers and more than once the disc would skip and clang off the basket.  I was mesmerized.  I remember thinking to myself, “I want to do THAT!“.  One of those guys turned out to be the local club president, Brett.

I asked Brett where I could get discs that flew like that.  He pointed me to the gas station down the street.  That summer became a blur of disc golf, disc golf forums, and a several month period where I traded all of my disposable income and then some for plastic.

The rest, as they say, is history.  Almost 12 years later, here I am more obsessed than ever.

Follow along…

While the Mind Body Disc blog is my home base, I am also active on Twitter and Instagram.  I really enjoy both of those platforms and would love it if you said hi over there.  I also have a Facebook page, and that’s where you’ll find some daily motivation and an ongoing log of what I’m up to every day.  In all 4 places, you’ll find unique content.  While some of the stuff I post will show up in multiple places, I think each one has a unique feel and purpose.  Please check out what I’m up to on all of them!

You can also find me on two different podcasts. I do a regular 5 minute segment called Mind Over Plastic on the Disc Golf Answer Man podcast. I am also a sometimes 3rd cohost on the Zen Disc Golf podcast. Give ’em a listen!



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If you have an suggestions, questions, or feedback, please contact me here.

Most importantly…

RIP Karma the disc golf dog, we miss you!